And so it begins...

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January 31st 2007
Published: January 31st 2007
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I'm here! Whayhay!! Yesterday's travelling went fairly smoothly...after a tearful goodbye to Mum and Dad, Spud and I went into the toilets and pulled ourselves together before fully enjoying the thrills of duty free...I'll try to upload the photos! The flight was GREAT - I love Virgin! Fab food, free drinks, amazing private entertainment screen - I'm so glad BA had a strike or I would have had to fly with them lol. I am looking forward to plane flights - although I know most of them will be a lot worse than that - as some of the best nights' sleep I will probably have over the next 6 months! I was picked up at the airport by Trish (after a minor scare about lost luggage - nooo, Aus all over agan! But I was just so tired that I was missing it, as the nice attendant pointed out :-) ) and her two little boys, Felix (5) and Charlie (3). Seated in a huge car with 'Chicken Little' playing to entertain the boys, we drove to pick up Sophie from her friends house (7 year olds having dinner together - wow!). By the time we got home, the kids were hyper as you like, and I received a very enthusiastic tour of their house! I was exhausted at this point whilst I was thrilled to be welcomed so wonderfully, the part of the evening I most enjoyed was having Sophie read me the first chapter of the book I'd bought her in bed :-D love you all, hope you're well. Over and out.


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