It's Morning in America

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November 15th 2008
Published: November 15th 2008
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Good Morning,
I am sittting in my friend's spare room in Brooklyn, watching the rain and trying to convince myself that I want to go back to sleep. It is 07.00am but my body is convinced that it's nearly lunch time.
The flight yesterday dragged on, I didn't open my book once and watched both movies that I didn't really want to see. Luckily for me there were very few people on the flight so I could stretch out across two seats. The bathroom nearest to me had a door which stuck so that you had to throw your whole weight into it, and usually that didn't work either. The flight attendants were great fun and really lovely, something that seems to be getting rarer all of the time.
Flying down into New York the city looked like a giant electronic chip, some kind of living motherboard with rows and columns of perfectly straight street lights. We landed a little bit early and trundled through being stamped and scanned and poked before the reunion with bags and a taxi. The taxi ride was fine, and not as long as I had expected to be honest. The guy was lovely and didn't talk to me once, which, considering my body was telling me it was 2am was a pretty good thing. When I got to my friend's house he had popped out to the shops and so I got to chat to his completely lovely flat-mate for a while. Travis and I then sat and talked for a few hours and crashed out.

It's now evening over here and I've had a lovely first day to my visit. We got up rather late and I did some writing before we headed out for brunch. Travis had eggs and I had pancakes, which were so good it would have been possible to think they would end a war if you could get the leaders to have breakfast together. No exaggeration, I promise.
After we left, both very full, we went and I picked up my US sim card so I can now be contacted over here . Then we walked to Grand Army Plaza and looked at the monuments and the Brooklyn Public Library. There was a little veggie market on the corner of the park and we got some carrots before wandering through the park. With Travis as my guide we found some beautiful trees, according to the Guru, Prospect Park was designed by Olmsted and Vaux who also designed Central Park and actually preferred this one. We only saw a very small part of it but I am planning on having more of a wander around either tomorrow or in the next few days.
We then headed home so that Travis could set off to meet his friend, I walked part of the way with him and grabbed some bits and pieces from the store before heading back and crashing.
I am completely shattered at the moment. Ordinarily I have no problems with changing time zones but my house has been a mess and loads of things were happening just before I left so now it is all catching up with me.
One of Travis' friends has really kindly invited me to a party tonight which I would love to go to but I am so tired that I think I would only be good to put coats on top of at the moment. Hopefully I will be more awake tomorrow.
Apologies for any typing errors in this, I am using a notebook instead of a laptop and the keys are all in different places so rather confused. Will hopefully get better with time...

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Me with a treeMe with a tree
Me with a tree

This is surely going to be the first of many such photographs

16th November 2008

Love the library
Sorry love, had a surfeit of North American trees in Quebec but the library looks great. Can you snatch some indoor pics?

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