
Published: May 15th 2006
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Roadside HistoryRoadside HistoryRoadside History

The sign reads: Here, on April 23 1789 on his way to New York City Washington was recieved by troops from Elizabethtown and Newark. He was entertained at the Inn kept by Samuel Smith by gentlemen of the town.
So the last three days were spent traveling back and forth to Metro park for Microsoft training. WOOHOO! The class itself was pretty cool. Got to learn the ins and outs of the some software that I need to use on a daily basis. And it is always nice to beef up the resume.

Sleeping arrangements could have been better as myself, the wife, and the monkey were all in the same room. And it was not a pleasant experience. There is such a thing as being to close.

On Tuesday I was able to get together with Dad. Talked mostly about the Yankee's. Which is what we always talk about. You just have to love the the complex American father/son relationship. ( Not to say other countries aren't as complex. But other then latin America I doubt baseball is the thing they connect over) After some male bonding which basically went like this....

Dad: So how about the Yanks?

Me: I don't know Dad Johnson worries me. (side note Johnson blew the game the next day against the Sox)

Dad: Johnson, we never should have got that bum in the first place.

And about

The hotel where training was held.
another fourty minutes of that. Hey soon we'll get to talk about football. It's almost that time again. GO GIANTS!!!

Well after it was mostly training and running around getting stuff done. Did get to run up To Alisande's job and of course see some Revolutionary War sites on the way. That is one of the crazier things about Jersey. You drive through small towns or cities and smack dab in the middle of them is some house or monument to a turning point in the Revolutionary War. It is beyond surreal.

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Right in the middle of Rahway. A nice monument to the Revolution.

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