Alaska Here We Come

Published: May 10th 2008
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We spent a week in Helena doing odds and ends to prepare for the trip to Alaska. This included getting a new windshield after ours suffered a crack, change of oil in the radiator, finding protection for the tow windshield, stocking up on groceries, settling with Verizon on a phone plan for Canada, and planning our routes and attractions. It was time well spent. And we learned all about hobby horse farming from Al and Laura Calkins, friends of our traveling friends, Cindee and Bill. We had a blast with all of them. Montana's big sky and mountains are gorgeous. We got to hike Mt. Helena twice.

We regret that Cindee and Bill Tyner, with whom we have spent lots of time planning for Alaska and enjoying, will not be leaving with us due to a health issue. We earnestly hope they will be able to catch up with us somewhere in Alaska. It won't be the same traveling without them and we wish them well.

Our last night in Montana was in Shelby and we met several other couples starting the same trip. We exchanged cards to keep in touch along the way. There is comfort in having others sharing the unknown with us.

Today we cross the border at Sweetgrass, Montana. There are unknowns about Canada customs requirements so we hope that goes well.

We are both feeling great excitement and could barely sleep last night. But it is mixed with some loneliness for our friends and family. We will be so far away. So please keep in touch!

We promise we will.


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