Getting read to roll

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August 16th 2007
Published: August 16th 2007
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A little less than two weeks until I leave for Prague, and there are still many things I don’t know yet. For instance, what is the Czech language like? In my head it’s a mix of Russian and German, with plenty of aggressive consonants mixed in for good measure. Where will I be living? For some reason, my program refuses to tell me that before I arrive, which makes me wonder if they think I wouldn’t come if I found out in advance. I also know very little about Czech history, culture, geography, etc., but I hope to pick up some of that along the way.

If you’re curious about the Czech Republic, and more specifically Prague, feel free to ask me anything, because every answer I give will be the same. Go Wikipedia it. That’s what I did, and before I got bored with the exhaustively long ‘pedia entry, I learned a few things. The country was under the rule of a pretty hard-line communist regime for several decades, until the Velvet Revolution (nothing to do with Glam Rock, unfortunately), peacefully overthrew the sitting government in favor of a more democratically run system. This revolution was spearheaded by a man named Václav Havel who was, of all professions, a playwright. While I imagine what it would be like to have an American playwright lead a revolution in the United States (Arthur Miller storming the White House?), I encourage you all to check on this blog in a couple weeks, or subscribe and you’ll get an email telling you when I’ve updated it.


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