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September 21st 2009
Published: September 21st 2009
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So, I am going to see my adviser tomorrow to get some information about study abroad. It is something I've always wanted to do, but now that it is upon me, I have to admit... I am a bit scared. I'll be leaving my entire support system back home, so if something should happen, I'd be on my own. I'll be in a foreign country, with limited knowledge of the language, and with extremely little to no knowledge of how to get where I'm going.

It is a bit overwhelming.

I've always thought of myself as very independent, a person who likes to be on her own a large majority of the time, and that is true. But, being so alone, without even a friend who knows my language, will be quite challenging.

Plus, I'll be leaving my fiance, friends, family, and my cat behind. I think that will be the hardest part.

Well, time to sleep. I have to be alert for tomorrow morning's meeting.

Until then, guten Nacht!



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