First Stop

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October 17th 2005
Published: October 19th 2005
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Sullivan FarmSullivan FarmSullivan Farm

This is the Sullivan Farm (not the home of the Sullivans!)
We finally got on our way on Monday, Oct 17th - a day later than anticipated. We drove through MD, PA, OH and IN to the final destination for the day: the home of Dan & Cathy Sullivan in Rochester, IN. We pulled into Dan & Cathy's driveway around midnight - a long day's drive, so it was great to have our first stop at a friend's house. They were kind enough to stay up late waiting for us & gave us a warm welcome once we finally arrived.

The following morning (Tuesday, Oct. 18th), we got a good look around the's a picture of the Sullivan Farm...he left his home in DC for this???

Actually, Ken and I came across the Sullivan farm on a great bike ride we took through the rolling country roads around Dan & Cathy's home (no relation to the owners of the Sullivan farm). Dan & Cathy have a beautiful house, surrounded by farmland, and a whole other world away from DC. After our bike ride, I got a lesson from Dan in how to drive a John Deere tractor - Dan's been getting lots of practice with driving his tractor in
Farmer DanFarmer DanFarmer Dan

Dan on his John Deere
the few weeks since they moved into their new home. We extend our thanks to Dan & Cathy for the wonderful hospitality and great company!

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct 19th), we start out again.

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19th October 2005

I love this TravelBlog. Great pictures. How's the CB doing? Love, Dad
19th October 2005

So you did really leave
I thought maybe it was all a cruel hoax! Only got out a day late...better than I would have done. Take Care

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