Sam Kadourian

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February 6th 2014
Published: February 6th 2014
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The person whom I researched for the Armenian Genocide was Sam Kadourian. First, a little background about the Armenian Genocide. It occured in Armenia and was the ethnic cleansing. It is often referred to as The Forgotten Genocide because it was long ago, so many were not alive. Turkey also denied that this 'genocide' ever happened. Those who survived live to tell the story.

Sam Kadourian was one of these survivors. In his story, he and all the other boys aged five to ten were forced to make a pile. After everyone was gathered, the Turkish soldiers attacked the children with their swords and bayonets. Many died. Sam lived to tell his story since he was at the bottom of the pile, but he did have a scar on his eye where they hit him. He played dead so they would not finish him off and because he was scared, for other children's bodies and blood lay on him. The blood of his people. The blood of his family. The blood of a soon to be forgotten genocide. Many don't know or care of this genocide. It leads us to think, are we just as bad as the Turks?


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