Harold Washington College

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September 9th 2013
Published: September 9th 2013
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I really haven't put in thought on what college I been wanting to go to. I don't really have any specific college I would want to get into. Since I had to visit a college on my own for freshmen year, I went to go visit Harold Washington College with my best friend Gloria. The lady there gave us a tour and told us about what classes there are. After that Gloria and I agreed that it was a pretty interesting school. I would like to go to this College because it is in the city. It would be easy to go to, and it I would have to miss anybody since I'm not out of state or anything like that. To what I said that i don't have a specific school i want to go to, I also haven't put in thought on what I want to study when I graduate. The lady from Harold Washington told us how there are art classes at the school, so I found that pretty decent on how they had that. The college has about 11 floors, and on every floor there's a different subject. I think it was on the 7th floor where they had art, and in the halls there was sculptures and things that students there have worked on. I found that nice about the school. That is why I was thinking about going to Harold Washington College.


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