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September 19th 2012
Published: September 20th 2012
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Assignment #3 Remembering 9/11 - "Protecting Children From Raw 9/11 Footage"

This article relates to what we are learning in World History because it connects back to what happened in history. It is an event that will forever be remembered, a part of history that will never be forgotten. It connects to world changing problem that people might've faced back in history just like us in today's era. Also it connects because maybe parents back then didn't want to show their kids violence or have them in the scenery of violence. They maybe didn't have them no where near when they were killing animals, or fighting with other tribes. It was too violent for the children to watch, just like now, parents don't want their children watching raw footage of the 9/11 because it shows the violence that was committed.

I can connect to the "S" because it connects back to ethnic races. This event happened because Americans were hated by Bin Laden and his group. So, since Americans were the target, they committed a life changing event which was 9/11. Also has to do with family because parents do not want their young children viewing violence. They don't want their kids to be adapted around violence so that they can as well be violent when grown. I can connect to the "P" because our nation today (USA) mostly doesn't want young children watching violence, just like in history... people as well didn't want their kids watching violence.

Yes, I agree with the author's pont of view. I agree with the author's point of view because children shouldn't be watching such videos that have to do with buildings being blown up and peaple being blown up as well. Parents don't want their kids to learn things by watching them, especially footage that is so violent. It's tough because this isn't a movie, it's the real deal and kids should be totally away from footage like that.

It makes me wonder if there are some parents out there in the U.S that do let their young children take a look at 9/11 raw footage. If young children do look, I wonder how they feel while watching the clips and what's running through their minds? I wonder what they can conclude or infer about what they are watching and if they even know what it is? I wonder if they might try to copy the violence in other ways just because they are acknowledging it. I would like to learn about how this 9/11 strike was planned by Bin Ladin and his Taliban. What were the plans and how were they made? All the info that has to do with them and the 9/11.


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