Rihla #29

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May 21st 2012
Published: May 21st 2012
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Amnesty International

Who are they?

The organization is about promoting human rights and letting others know about the abuse and injustice. It has issues, cases, victories, and much much that can educate you on what is going on around the world. A person gets to find out what happens to other people around the world and can help by contacting this website by becoming a member. They offer resources that can help one to get involve in one's community or the world. I think it is really benefical that they have research and other documents that can help people get educate in learning about others who are facing injustice around the world. I read "From Cradle to War" which was about young children being sent off and trained to fight in war at a young age.

"Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of children are recruited into government armed forces, paramilitaries, civil militia and a variety of other armed groups" (Amnesty International). It talks about how these little children are faced to start being recurited and reformed to violence and war. I think it is really upsetting and very sad that these young children have to go through such madness and be taken or have no family at such a small, then be forced to be a young soldier. We talked about this topic in class and it really made me upset that their childhood and lives have to be taken away from them at such a small age can really affect them physically, socially, and mentally. I think it can really damage one's self esteem especially a child's mind. Another thing that Amnesty International stated was, "They are placed in combat situations, used as spies, messengers, porters, servants or to lay or clear landmines. Girls in particular are at risk of rape and sexual abuse." I think that it very horrific that these children have to experience such madness at a young age because they are bascially being used and abused. It sickens me that people can do this to children only for their benefit. We have kids who are innocent and have to go through such terrible, violent, and disgusting events.

My findings relate to human rights because these little children are having their rights being taken away from them of being free, unabused, and being children. People who are doing this are abusing children, not letting children have the freedom to leave, have their own opinion, or live their lives. Human rights is about having your right to be able to be free and not abused or hurt by anyone. One should be able to live life happily and not terrified or abused from the start of one's life.


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