Rihla #18

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February 14th 2012
Published: February 14th 2012
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Part One (The Interview):

1. Name of Interviewee:Carlos Sanchez

2. Relationship to Interviewee: He is my father

3. Decade of Choice: (The person should choose one decade from their life to refer to)


4. Describe the environment in which you lived for that decade.

While he was a teenager, my dad lived in a nieghborhood filled with drug dealers, prostitutes, and gang members. Gang activity filled the school grounds. Teachers would get into fights with students. My dad said, "I was a teenager, but I was being harrassed by the cops as were my brothers". Despite the dangers outside, kids had the freedom to be outside where there were few fences around the houses and backyards. My dad made it clear to me that he "...didnt have computers or game systems like the xbox, and other home enternatinment systems were not available."

5. What major activities did you participate in?

My dad remembers the days when all of the kids in the neighborhood would come together and play outside. They would play freeze tag and kick the can as well as softball and football in the alley. Everyone would play outside, and no one would be inside their house.

6. What were the major social issues of that decade?

The Cold War was going on. One major social issue that my dad remember is that there was a lot of racism.

7. What was the biggest turning point for you during that decade? Why?

The biggest turning point was when he moved neighborhoods, "I moved to a neighborhood in which there was less criminal activities for everybody. It was a turning point because the neighborhood we were in was actually getting worse, and the older we got the more prone to being involved with the conflict we were. Moving afforded us a better opportunity."

Part Two (Your Reflection):

1. In your own words, do you think that location has influenced this person’s actions? If so, explain.

I know that his environment influenced his actions. My dad and I used to live in Pilsen, but we moved once my step mom passed away because my dad didn't like the neighborhood to begin with. The neighborhood that he was raised in influenced him to move. He didn't want to live in any neighborhood with a high crime rate. He mostly didn't want to raise me in an area taht was similar to what he grew up with.

2. Do you think your location within the last decade of your life has influenced your actions? Explain.

Within the last decade I have been exposed to a variety of locations. I lived in an environment where my location was always changing ever since I can remember. By the time I was about 10 years old I had transferred schools nine times. This environment has impacted my actions and who I am. I easily adapt to new surroundings and adjust to different teaching techniques. I am open-minded and this has always influenced any actions that I do.


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