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February 11th 2012
Published: February 11th 2012
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1. Name of interviewee: Felix Barrera

2. Relationship: Grandfather

3. Decade: 20th Century

4. In 1973 my grandfather migrated from Mexico to the United States for a better life with his son, brother, and nephew.

5. Major activities he participated in in Mexico were farming and working. In the United States he worked and he started attending church.

6. A personal major issue for my grandfather during this decade was religion. Something that was happening in the United States was he remembered hearing about the Sears tower being built.

7.The biggest turning point for him in this decade was changing religion, and actually abiding by the rules. This was a big turning point because he was a roman catholic back in Mexico, and when he decided to change religions to a Baptist-Christian his family started thinking different of him because they were all catholics. They felt betrayed, but later they accepted his decision because he was still in God's path.


1. I think a person's location does influence a person's actions because you see what is going around you, and in a way it impacts you. It's hard to ignore what's around you. You might not do it the same way everyone else is doing something, but you might do something similar.

2. I think my location within the last decade has influenced my actions because I use to live in the North side and I lived with my cousins and we would go to the park by ourselves and we felt like older people, so that influenced my actions because I was mature. However, when we moved to the south side everything changed, and my actions did change. I was more quiet, went to a new school, and had to learn how to be my own person.


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