A4 rihla 13

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December 20th 2011
Published: January 8th 2012
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1. The most heoric person from 2011 in my opinion is 'mother Robin'. She is the most heroic because it takes courage to do what she does. I think it's amazing how she risks her own life for someone else. She sold her hous in Hawaii to move to Indonesia to help women. She is helping women because in their country in after you give birth to your baby you have to pay the hospital or else you can not take your baby home.

2.If I had the chance to nominate a hero for 2011 it would be my mom. I would nominate her because she focususing really hard on continuing school to get her masters. Thats something that is really motivating me to go to college and go far in life. She is a hard worker and does eveything for me and my siblings.

3.In a way we do study heroes in history because we learn about people who have changed the world, who have risked their own lives, and who have died for what they believe in.No one decides who or what is heroic I think it all depends on yourself.


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