Favorite Foods in San Francisco

Published: May 14th 2012
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I ended up eating out a lot in San Francisco while I was there and I thought it'd be nice to recollect some of the amazing food I had :D

1) Uzen Japanese Cuisine, Oakland - In the not-so-shady part of Oakland there's this amazingly delicious Japanese restaurant with the most fresh sashimi I've ever had in my life! The price really rather hurts a bit but it's really worth going to and trying. The kaki, tako, bluefin tuna are by far my favorite! The sake is also really good; I think I had a lychee flavored one. By far, my biggest regret is not having come back here for another meal before I left. This is beating out not being able to go to the Google museum...thing! and the Lawrence Hall of Science (which was right next to the lab I worked at!).

2) Cafe Madeline, San Francisco - My sister ordered a birthday cake here for my grandma when my family came down to visit. It was a really good mango cake. But my favorite part about this place is their almond croissants. They're so amazing! But you have to get there in the morning to get some 😞 I hate mornings, but if you live in San Francisco, it's really worth getting up for!

3) Ici Ice Cream, Elmwood - OMG!!! This place has the best, most unique ice cream I've ever had! It's worth standing in line for, even when it's stretching around the block! I've had lavendar honey, banana curry, earl grey, and lots of other delicious flavors.

4) Out-the-Door, San Francisco - THEY HAVE A SCONE NAMED AFTER ME!!!! AND IT'S DELICIOUS!!! Automatically on the list 😊

5) Rue Saint Jacques, San Francisco - I went here for the tasting menu so the portions were small but wow was the food amazing. At first, I was a little iffy since the amuse bouche and salad, although good and fresh, seemed a little uninspired. But wow was the next couple of courses amazing!!! I had the best duck I've ever had in my life (which is saying a lot since I actively seek and eat duck). And the service is really great.

6) Minamoto Kitchoan SF - Wagashi 😊 😊 😊 Sure, it's a chain but the wagashi is so yummy! I love their seasonal flavors.

7) Hog Island Oyster Farm - You can schuck your own oysters or have the pros do it. Either way, the oysters are fresh and sweet 😊 I like this place more than Tomales Bay Oyster Co.

8) Bob's Chophouse, San Francisco - I went here for my birthday and had the Veal! I've never had or seen such a large veal! And it was so good, when I warmed it up the next day, it was still so delicious! Let's put it thise way, I was going to have my leftovers for lunch, it didn't make it to 10:00 😊

Caprese Sandwich - this is just something that is good pretty much no matter where you get it in the Bay Area!


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