
Published: July 24th 2006
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California. Thats what its all about people, at least it would be if it wasn't 46 degrees, in the shade. Stepping outside is like walking though a huge hairdryer (which to be fair is really good for drying your hair first thing in the morning) but pretty rubbish aside from that. The locals seem to avoid the problem by either, never getting out of their air conditioned houses, cars, malls or, for those too poor to have air con, drinking huge quantities of cheap larger and bashing each other senseless with oars on the American river. Apparently this is called a 'River Riot' or 'Redneck Punting' as I call it. Although its hard to take a superior attitide when you've seen the Cam in full summer under assalt from Chavs hanging off bridges.

Sorry its been a few days guys but we've been travelling from Redding (best value stakes ever, the small was about the size of my head and like butter) down highway 1, through the Redwoods, wine country and in to Sacremento. A big town on highway 1 might have a gas station, post office, bar and 20 houses, and thats a big town! Beautiful mountain roads which were amazingly twisty and deserted through pine forests, opening up onto a cliff hugging pacific highway. Truely brilliant drive.

We camped on the beach at McKinleyville, were we got very cold, its like 10 degrees and misty as anything in the evening and then Point Arena where we saw seals swimming as the waves crashed against the cliffs. The North California coast is truely beautiful and really quite remote for California, the land of supercities and highways. Although the petrified forest is rubbish, you'll be petrified with the dullness. BOO that.

Next we're off to San Francisco, wayhay we'll let you know how it goes.


24th July 2006

Factoid 2
Several 'Chavs' in congregation: A 'Chav-alanche' Amen.

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