Published: July 2nd 2007
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i arrived safely in LA after an epic journey from melb. Flight was delayed for 3hrs, and somehow i managed
to befriend this blonde bafoon, who wanted to talk to me about her 28yr old
'lovers' and their sex life - aah (she was apparently 46, had the boob job
and peroxide hair) apparently was a doctor, a specialist, rich, a jet
setter, a seductress blah blah blah) not a good start!! but i managed to
ditch her and avoid her after that, thank god. lucky for me i was sitting
next to a really nice (and hot) american dude for the 14hr flight, so got to
quiz him etc. arrived at my hostel about midday and funnily enough hooked up
with a couple of aussies and spent the day at the shopping precinct, had a huge lunch at the cheesecake
factory. the hostel is right near hollywood blvd, so awesome location. my first night turned out to be massive probably due to my jet lag, lack of sleep and ridiculously sized vodka portions!! heaps of fun though.
yesterday i did a bus tour of all the cool places - hollywood, bev hills, melrose dr, mullholland dr, stars homes, santa monica pier, venice beach (scary place), downtown....LA is huge, but i like it!
after another night out last night (no drinking this time) i am still feel exhausted which meant that magic mountain today was a huge effort. hour long waits for the rides, and extreme heat have tired me out, so quiet one tonight, followed by a 7am flight to San Fran tomorrow.
my god the food here is crap, it's so hard to find anything healthy, it's all about burgers, pizza and hot dogs!! geez i'm going to come back a big heffa!!!! anyways, will update with photos when i get the chance.

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