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September 21st 2008
Published: September 21st 2008
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Sooo, the great Ryan Hyland rolled into town on Wednesday as he will about 6 times a year. Just to explain, you can all blame him for me being here. He was a CORE member in my LifeTeen program and then came down here to volunteer. He was here for about 4 years and he is such a Mexican (only in his heart as he is such a gringo on the outside) that he's lived in Mexico ever since. He was the one who invited my church down here to visit and then of course, I fell in love with this wonderful place and I am now living here. He lives in Puerto Vallarta and he comes back to visit all the time and do things with the older kids- he's a legend around here. Every fall he takes all of the first year of service kids (the ones who just graduated from the high school in June) to a concert and this time it was off to Mexico City on Thursday night to a Julietta Venegas concert and because I'm so special (and he had one extra ticket), I got to go. It was a ton of fun and I always like getting to spend time with the older kids. Some of them have really become friends at this point. They range in age from 18-mid 20's. Granted, getting back at 3am and having to get up to be with the kids at 6am was rough- but after a nap I managed to get through the day and I wasn't alone as we were all struggling.

I'm working this weekend. Yesterday was a little eventful as kinder flooded when a sink pipe busted and I spent about an hour hauling out buckets of water and jalaring (the weird squeegee method of cleaning I told you about). It was really not any fun. Of course the problem isn't fixed yet- it's being held together with a plastic bag and some small rubber bands. Yeah, thats how it goes here and oddly enough there is no where we can just shut the water off. Hopefully it won't bust before the maintenance guy comes back tomorrow. Other than that, things are going along quite smoothly. Hopefully I can get the pictures working soon and if not I think I'll just put them up on my flickr account and put the link up so you guys can see pictures because I have got some great ones, let me tell you.


22nd September 2008

Hey Crystal! Your blog rocks! I wrote you a letter, sent it today. Hopefully, you'll get it! -Alex

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