San Diego and Mexico

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North America » Mexico » Baja California » Ensenada
January 10th 2007
Published: January 10th 2007
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San Diego was amazing and a lot of fun! We spend 3 days there and we took it very slow, still wasn't feeling too well. It was soooo good being close to the sea, going for long walks along the beach and get some fresh air. It's a pretty big city, but if you stay by the beach front, it felt like a little town. LOved it! People are so friendly and helpful, it's so easy making converstaion to anyone. Great party life too, met some crazy Americans who looked after us and took us to places. Ended up in a house party one night, beautiful house overlooking the whole of San Diego. As always Ashlie had a bit too much too drink and causing trouble again, pushing people in the pool which lead to phones breaking down etc, She also ended up with someones car keys in her bag which we noticed when we got home, oops... god very funny, but not sure if other people though the same... - uh, hi ashlie here, helena would like to rephrase that last comment... considering last night events. Enough said... continue helena... Looking after Ashlie isns't easy!! Ha ha ha..

We are now in Mexico in a place called Ensenada, it's about 2 hours down from the border. We have been here for 2 nights and it's been great to see a different culture. Yesterday we went whale watching on a boat and it was incredible! What an amazing animal. We also saw hundereds of Dolphins swimming and jumping with the boat, god it was exciting! They just are sooo cute. It was pretty warm in the sun too, finally we caught a bit of colour. Can't wait to be on the beach in Hawaii!!

Last night we went to a great Mexican restaurant. It's not peak season here at the moment so this village is pretty much dead, but luckily we found a place with a few bodies other than ourselves.. What we didn't know was that the club upstairs was busy on Tuesdays and so the party got started.. One tequila, two tequilas... etc etc all night! And wow the Mexican's know how to dance, so much fun!! Their music is very different with a lof of trumpet going on, but hey it was great dancing with them. Great rythm going on for sure. It was a very succesful night and I'm actually not feeling too bad considering, it must have been good quality tequila!

We are now on our way back to LA. Will spend one night there, wash clothes and get ready for VEGAS, wooohooo!

I finally got my voice back and it's such a great feeling. I can communicate to the rest of the world again. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, but hey...

Thanks so much for all your comments and messages, it's very appreciated and I love hearing from you. Miss you all so keep on writing them please.

Anyway, better go now to get a bus back to San Diego.

Amba- can't wait for your party, sounds like it will be a lot fun. I won't forget your costume in LA, promise!

Pappa/ Eva- Please send pictures of the puppy, what did you name it in the end? Boss?

Mamsen-My hero, he he.

Puss och kram




10th January 2007

Det låter som ni har det toppen!!! Mexico måste vara en fantastisk upplevelse...och tequilan med... ;-))) Spela inte bort alla pengar i Vegas....NU har du chansen att dubbla dem istället ;-)) Kan berätta att nu har äntligen första snön kommit, faktiskt härligt att se riktigt stora snöflingor!! Barnen sover så de blir nog glada imorgon bitti! Skönt att höra att du mår bättre!! Massor med kramar Maria

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