Two weeks away...

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April 22nd 2006
Published: April 22nd 2006
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So here we are, two weeks away from my arrival in Ouagadougou. Hard to believe that the time has flown so fast. People keep asking if I'm excited, but to be honest, I'm really not excited yet! I mean, there's just too much about this trip to really comprehend and so much that I know I won't really take in until I get there. Also, I'm really far behind in my preparation (personally, no professionally) such as packing my stuff and getting my passport renewed and other housekeeping. I've had some extra time in town that I hadn't planned on, and I thought I would use it to be productive and get things done, but really I've spent most of it visiting and trying to spend time with people I know I won't get to spend time with for a year. I think that's also pretty productive, really.

Being back at the rugby club has been such a double-edged sword! It was so great to show up at our first training session on Tuesday and have everyone glad to see me, and people that I had missed seeing too. It feels like coming home when I'm on the pitch with these ladies, and I know that they accept and love me for my crazy and adorable ways. 😊 Practices have gone super so far, and I'm really pumped for the season, which brings me to the sadder part of knowing that I won't be part of it. At least not as much as I'd like to be. I guess these are the sacrifices we make to pursue other dreams. And what dreams!

I was visiting at my old high school today with a teacher, Mr. Hemstreet, who helped me find my path. His OAC World Issues class was what spurred on my social conscience and put me on the road to development studies, and beyond. It was funny to be back at Bell in so many ways. I felt old and so far from that place, yet it is so familiar since I've spent countless hours studying, socializing, and growing there. I saw the faces of the students and it made me wonder if they would wind up is as unexpected places as I have! Speaking with Mr. Hemstreet (I can't bring myself to call him by his first name for some reason...) was so revealing of how far I've come since my days in his classroom. I guess that's when the size of this whole thing hit me. In years, I'm not that far away from the girl in OAC, but the life that I have now, and the life I'm about to choose, couldn't be more different from that one. When I first told my mom that I'd be leaving to Africa for a year, she said to me "Lindsey, we always knew your future wouldn't be here, but we didn't expect you to leave us so soon". I guess today showed me that I didn't expect to be leaving so soon either.

But here it is, on my doorstep now. My greatest challenge yet.

There have been some unexpected hurdles and some recent distractions, but all the more reason to throw myself into this new situation with both feet and see where I land! I am looking forward to getting back to centre and learning about myself again (I feel like I've gotten distracted from that lately), and really open myself up to the new perspective I will undoubtedly gain. I want to make the most of this experience for myself and use it to grow and learn and come back better than when I left. It's an amazing opportunity beyond work, and I find it quite symbolic. It's a fresh start right at the beginning of my 23rd year of life.



23rd April 2006

linds, i think that you are wise beyond your years in a way that very few comprehend. i am blessed to have you in my life and know that this journey - both literal and figurative - will only serve to help you grow as a human being. i am proud of the woman you have become the three years that i have known you (imagine that, we've known each other three long years!)...yes i do see a spectrum of change - from the girl i met in 2003 to the woman i know you are today. i love you and i can't wait to see you in a few short days. love always
23rd April 2006

in case you were wondering who the "other" brown was!

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