BAGABOOS!thinking about 2years!

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July 26th 2006
Published: October 17th 2006
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from lodgefrom lodgefrom lodge

befor go up
2年間 夢に見たバガブースへ!初のヘリに乗り、感動の景色!でもパートナーと気が合わずなかなか大変でした。しかも、大切な雪山用ブーツをなくしたり、嵐に見舞われ遭難しかかったり、私にはちょっとハードコアだったのかも、長いルートは好きだけど 高度が高いのも 雪や氷河で寒いのも 長い長いアプローチも苦手かも。でも それでもバガブースは 最高だった!
july26-aug7 bagaboos
(squamish->seattle->bagaboos/july24 crossing USA boorder/start counting 90days ......I did not know)
heri ride was exciting!!east creek was not so cold. good weather 3days
** pigeon spire west ridge 5.4/it was a lot scrambling.
**bugaboos spire kain's rout 5.6 /it was a lot scrambling also. just rope up 3pichs.not sure one pich OW was harder than5.6?/then I lost trekking boot there. sad.....I was trying hard to find it. but never find it. it was new . and I have to walk with climbing boot to go to was hard day for me.bad luck...
someone had extra boot. I borrow it . and walk to lodgh. they free lent boot to me . it was nice.
east creek--> up to col//snow strom!!!(I was thinking about going to freeze to death)--->east creek 2night without sleeping back but staying kiching tent and I had pafy ---->apple bee camp
*** mc tech arete5.10-/wonderful climb.enjoy it.
***bagaboo spire north east ridge 5.8/ nice route for sure.beautiful cold morrning turn to snow one hour.when we get top just start snow.we just panic.we did not know decent very well.bad and grumpy day.
***snow patch spire5.11-/hard OW , I
bagaboo spirebagaboo spirebagaboo spire

befor climb northwest ridge
have to aid. and roof was my weaknes.I want to try again next year. and we could not rap same way with one rope. we left #5.we have to walk back to bace of the rout with climbing boot.we have to cross the col......bad luck
a lot hike ,not much eat, I lost weight 4kg.
I love to go back there next year!!!!

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