Flying to Quito, Ecuador on Jan. 10, 2008!

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January 7th 2008
Published: January 7th 2008
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Kathy's South American Adventure

Jan. 10, 2008 ---> Arrive in Quito, Ecuador

Welcome to my blog! I will be updating this blog as much as I can as Nicole and I travel around South America. Stay tuned for more!!

BTW, Nicole has her own Blog as well. It can be found here:

I chose a different website cuz from what I can tell...this one has no limit on photos and hers does. We shall see.....

Feel free to check out both Blogs since I am sure we will have different things to say and different pics to post.

Hope y'all enjoy!


17th January 2008

Your adventure
Hi Kathy! Chris and I will be following your blog to see pictures and read of your adventures in S. America. Glad you made it there safely. Your Mom must be so worried with you so far! Travel Safe and update often! Coleen
5th March 2008

give er!
a good read. keep the chapters coming. "indiana jones" has nothing on you.

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