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Turkey's flag
Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Ankara
July 4th 2008
Published: July 10th 2008
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We went out the other night to the restaurant in the park again. We happened in on a family festival happening. I asked the waiter and with a few words he jestered it was the muslim tradition of the coming of manhood for a young man. Other wise known as a circumcision party We were up on a balcony overlooking all what was going on. we must have arrived near the end all the men were seated in another area of the park while all the women and children were up dancing to traditional turkish music and dressed up very nicely. They had a clown running around the party that is used to distract the children of the goings on (snip). It was really something to see how much richness in their traditional culture and religion there was.
5 times a day you here the Muslim call to prayer over the louder speakers through out the city and even when we're in the country side you can here it off in the distance.
Joe has been terribly sick and has had a couple of IV's run through him to keep up his fluids. He missed his flying which affects the team overall score as you get can get up to 1000 point per round. So it put us at a disadvantage and we have placed in last place.
So now the flyoffs begin for 6 rounds of the top 11 pilots competing. Tomorrow is the closing ceremonies and then we leave for Istanbul on Sunday morning and arrive there by noon. we are staying in the city, close to some sites. then begin our flight home early tuesday morning.


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