Coffee Breaks

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September 28th 2007
Published: September 28th 2007
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I've been easing into my official school schedule for the past week now, which has gone by much faster than I thought it would. This is possibly because I finally have free time in my academic schedule for the first time in my life! I've got two completely free blocks (the first of which I'm relishing right now) and two more free hours in the afternoon if I haven't got CAVRA or an activity. Before I discovered morning free blocks, I had no idea that 50 minutes is the perfect amount of time to leisurely brew and truly enjoy a steraming cup of coffee...I've just emerged from my math class, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites if only because the teacher always picks these outrageously politically incorrect examples to illustrate problems ("Let's find the mode of Atlantic College student IQs compared to the mode of the IQs of the learning-disabled students in EMC. This is what we call a double-modal relationship, class...). My other favorite so far is actually Spanish, the higher level class for people who have never taken Spanish before. Most people say that the class is academic suicide because it's so fast-paced, but that's really why I'm enjoying it; I'm picking it up really fast, as the teacher (who's also a co-leader of CAVRA) pointed out today when he pointed at me and bellowed "THERE!COMMON SENSE! THAT'S WHAT WE NEED HERE!" Which was nice, as I've never really been associated with common sense before. Speaking of fast-paced, I ran a 5:14 mile on the first CAVRA fitness run yesterday. I guess that doesn't mean much to anyone except me, but I was quite proud of myself and feel I should preserve the number for posterity as I will likely never run it again. That's FIVE minutes, 14 seconds. We CAVRAns are going on our first 7-hour hike this Saturday along the Bristol Cliffs, so I can't go into Cardiff with my friends like we planned, but if I went into Cardiff I would not have the chance to eat Mars Bars on top of a mountain nor the chance to go rock climbing in a red waterproof jumpsuit. Now I really do have to go study my Spanish, so I can impress everyone with my complex skills saying "Hello. I am sixteen years old. And you?"


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