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November 17th 2009
Published: November 17th 2009
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This member of the Black Watch was playing within the castle in stong winds
Edinburgh -- September 7th & 8th, 2009
Sept 7th
We caught an early train to Edinburgh. When we arrived at the Sheraton Grand Edinburgh and went to check-in, who should check us in but a young girl from our home town of Whitby Ontario. Our room was not ready so off we went touring, first down Princess Street which is a primary shopping area to acquire a kilt for our granddaughter, combined with a tour of the city on one of those Hop-on-Hop-off busses top get an idea of the lay-out of the city.

Sept 8th
Unfortunately we woke to rain + wind and both continued for the rest of the day. The Castle is about a mile walk uphill from the hotel. Unfortunately my usual excellent skill at reading maps went a little astray and we saw a lot more of the city climbing upwards than we had intended. Eventually we did arrive at the Castle and one has to truly wonder how this fortress with the steep cliffs and high walls could have ever be taken before the invention of the cannon, but it was on several occasions. When learning of the history of the castle the tales

Looking down on Edinburgh and some of the cannons within the castle
repeat themselves with the Scots fighting the English and losing. Some more shopping on the Royal Mile, there are so many shops dedicated to selling clan kilts, scarves etc. that one must assume, that this being the year promoted as the home-coming, for so many Scots living in other counties, that it must have been a great success. We finally tried haggis, or I should say I ordered it and Mare sampled some of mine. It was like spicey ground beef with lots of gravey. I had earlier tried some in St. Andrews; the gravey really helps.

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The main gate to Edinburgh Castle

The Celtic Cross

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