My last night out with the lads!!

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September 4th 2007
Published: September 6th 2007
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Boo,me,Foof,Paddy and Bronnie
Well here a go with my first blog you'll have to bare with me!!

After booking my trip back in february it has crept right up on me, and now it was time to say my farewells to friends and family.........and emotional times they were too!!

The two weeks I had off before I left were hectic and very enjoyable with plenty drink flowing. The first weekend it was Falkirk on the friday, Glasgow for Boo's birthday, Edinburgh on the Sunday for the Razorlight concert and finally out in falkirk on the thursday night, totally random but a good night all the same. Saturday 1st september myself and 20 odd others headed through to Edinburgh for a night out, many a tale to tell, someone telling girls he was a pilot or was it a co-pilot?? a few of us trying to cycle the rickshaws away from outside the 3 Sisters!! one person winching a granny.....but we reckon she was a great granny!! Finally when some of us headed back to Falkirk in a taxi, the taxi driver was getting it tight...........there was food all over the taxi, the driver getting attacked by one certain ginger individual (nothing

Tommy,Liam,Peggy and Baz
violent ofcourse, all playfull annoyance) then his filofax/folder being thrown about Oakbank Westquarter!

I'm going to upload some of the hopefully they'll bring back memories to the guys who made a big effort in going through, I had a great night and I'm sure everyone else did.

Then the sunday was just a top up, and the girls were out with us. Not a lot to tell you here as it's all a bit of a blur............I did go up and murder a song in the Scotia Bar.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8



Scifo,Bomber,me and Peggy

myself and Eilidh

Group photo

Pile up outside the Scotia Bar

cigars, not sure where mine is?

myself and some of the girls!!

7th September 2007

Love the pic of you and sis!! have a great time ! janiceand royxxxx
10th September 2007

Gday Mate
Good to see you got a good send off. Looking forward to seeing you when you get to Melbourne. The beer's are in the fridge chilling. First week of spring here, and it's hit 27 degrees already!!!! It's gonna be a great summer!
10th September 2007

stevie "G"
love the pic of u and your sis anymore?

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