Journey Across the Pond

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August 31st 2006
Published: September 10th 2006
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I left for Oxford, England on Thursday, August 31, 2006. Mom, Dad, and Lauren took me to the San Francisco International Airport to see me off. While in the car, my mom presented me with a gift. She and Lauren had worked very hard to make me a pillowcase filled with pictures of my friends, family, and even my favorite poem. I was speechless because I realized that I didn’t bring any pictures in either of my two very large bags. Of course they are on my computer, but it is not the same as having them printed out. The pillowcase is amazing and I kept it in my carry-on bag so I could admire it and brag about it to my friends.

Once in the airport, the line for checking in was extremely long. Lauren had to get back to work rather quickly, so she talked to one of the women who worked there. If you check in online, all you have to do is check your bags. So, we called up Erin, who was sitting in front of a computer at work in Long Beach, to have her check me in online. Because of my two amazing sisters, I sailed through checking my bags. And, because of my brilliant packing skills, my bags were even slightly underweight, so I was able to bring a jacket I didn’t think would fit the night before. As we walked towards security, we stopped to take a few last pictures and then say goodbye. My family watched me walk through security, which included removing my shoes, and I waved furiously at them as they walked away. It hit me then that I wouldn’t see them again until December. But, I kept a smile on my face and headed towards Gate 99.

When I got there, I saw none other than Colin Gallagher, my fellow Integral classmate, sitting there reading. I was so excited to him and begin this process of studying abroad. Slowly but surely more Saint Mary’s students trickled into the gate to wait for our flight. We talked about how much we packed, the exchange rates, our summer and started to get to know one another. It was then that I also realized that I would need to change money to use once I got to England. So, I found an exchange place in the airport and got pounds. It was very exciting…new money, new currency. It felt like Monopoly money with all of its colors and such…totally surreal. Anyways, eventually they started boarding and went through all of our carry on bags. I forgot about my MAC lip gloss and security took it away. I was so bummed!! (Lauren, if you want to send me a new one, that’d be fantastic!!) But, I understand security and safety procedures, so I got over it. What I couldn’t get over was that I was in fact allowed to have electronics and a larger carry on bag! The guy at United told me that wasn’t allowed when I called them prior to my flight. So, I was going to be stuck on a ten hour flight with no ipod, computer or lip gloss. 😞

Well, as it turns out, the flight wasn’t too boring after all, but it was by no means great. I was in seat 49B and had no leg room whatsoever. I sat between my friends Nora Garcia (window) and Mandy Irwin (aisle), both of whom are significantly shorter than me. Ordinarily, I would have asked to switch with Mandy, but she happens to have two herniated disks in the back. Because of that she had a doctor’s note that said she needed to be able to walk around on the flight. If she sits for too long, she gets stiff and then its all downhill from there. So, there I was stuck in the middle seat with no leg room, the same songs playing over and over on the airline radio stations, watching movies I wasn’t interested in and unable to sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. It sounds pretty miserable, and it was, but I had good company so I couldn’t complain too much.

On Friday, September 1st at 7:30am we arrived at London Heathrow Airport. I was armed and ready with the bus schedule so the SMC group could find our way to Oxford as soon as we got through customs. The line for customs was long, but I did meet one of my two roommates while in line. Cate, from USF, was actually on the same flight as the SMC group and we ended up in the same line for customs. After customs we went to get our bags and Cate melded into our group. I told her I travel in a large group and come with friends. She seemed to be okay with that. 😊

The bus to Oxford was £16, or $32, and took about 90 minutes or so. Fortunately, I got to sit next to Cate and get to know her. Upon arrival in Oxford, a representative from CMRS was waiting to take us to St. Michael’s Hall, our residence for the term. The CMRS rep was Quentin, our Junior Dean or RA in the states. He led the eleven of us along cobblestone streets and narrow sidewalks until we finally reached St. Michael’s Hall. When we got there we checked in and were taken to our rooms. Cate and I are in a triple with Liz from Nebraska. She was already here when we arrived. Our room seemed small when we first arrived and not unpacked yet. But, once we unpacked we realized we do have quite a bit of space. The space is definitely a result of the bunk beds, of which I have the top. It’s definitely interesting, but for once I’m happy not to have the bottom bunk. I wanted to actually be able to sit up in my bed, not that Cate can on the bottom bunk. Liz, Cate and I are all tall girls, so no one quite fits. But, we deal with what we’ve got. On the plus side, right outside our room is the payphone to call out and the door to the Junior Common Room (JCR). Just down the hall is a shower/bathtub and two bathrooms. And a little further from both of the those is the kitchen and the dining room. This dining room is not our dining hall where meals are prepared for us. The dining room is where we would eat if we prepare our own meals. Our dining hall is not in St. Michael’s Hall at all; it is actually down the street at St. Peter’s College.

The rest of our first day in Oxford included lunch at a pub called Chequers with my roommates and some SMC folk. We had a brief meeting/orientation and then dinner at the St. Peter’s College pub with some of the CMRS staff. Afterwards we were free to do as we pleased and a few us went to a pub we saw on our bus ride in called Rosie O’Grady’s. It was a cute place and we all ordered a drink to celebrate our first night in Oxford. But one drink was all it took and we were all ready for bed. The jet lag, time difference and emotions finally caught up with us. And with that, we were ready for bed.

I know this was a long entry, and most probably won’t be this intense, but who knows. Thanks for reading! 😊


13th September 2006

Yes! You finally got a travel journal. Love it!

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