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July 4th 2005
Published: January 5th 2007
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eh, they've pretty much gotten over it by now.

Updates here: The phrase of the day today was "he sent another
hare running" spoken by my Dickens teacher. He had a hard time
translating it, but I think it means setting another thing to
chase, another character, topic, something to try and follow.
So yeah, that was a great one. My Shakespeare teacher started
singing today and talking about penises and sex in The Tempest.
He kicks Allen's class discussions on this play's ass.

That is so bizarre that you woke up at 4:30 this morning. I
got an email at around 10:00 from the school asking that I
write back to say that I was ok, which I did. I sent Mary an
email, but she doesn't check it but once every few days.

I went on a haunted tour tonight with my new found friend Sarah
and then grocery shopping for chocolate. We also bought
tickets for Me and My Girl. My second favorite musical,
actually it's tied for first, actually I can't decide, but it
doesn't really matter. Classes are about the same hardness and
work load as Richmond but condensed. You have the
the galsthe galsthe gals

Layne, Me, Kish and Sarah
everday. So it's gonna get rough real soon. and I even read
all the books for on of the classes already and I'm reading my
tail off. I guess the whole reading at snail's pace thing I
tend to do is not really working well, but we'll see.

That guy I spent 4 days straight with in London met up with all
his friends when he got to Oxford so I sent him an agnry email
(well I have a way about me I guess, there were mentions of
wheel chairs, so it couldn't have been too offensive). He sent
me an email back saying he was sorry he was being a douchbag
and that we'd go see a movie, so we'll see. I kinda like 'im,
but I already played my ritual "Another one Bites the Dust"
song by Queen on the jukebox under the bar for 'im, so I don't
see any hope of anything happening. HA. Ok, so, that's about
it for today. I've got a paper to writiendo and a presentation
to preperando, but I've got a stack of chocolate and half
gallon of milk next to the computer to help me out. 😊


I hope you don't mind, but I'm using you as my journal. So here goes. Today, I woke up and had this weird feeling that something was wrong. Looking at the clock, I realized it was 8:40 and that my class that I had a presentation in began 10 minutes ago. threw on some pants, grabbed my glasses and ran out the door only to ace my presentation (I know this cuz I heard from other students in the class that the teacher was nodding furiously and scribbling things down at everything I said). So yeah, that was awesome. Then during the lecture, there was an announcement that there was gonna be people gathering to play frisbee at the University Park down the street, so right after Shakespeare class (which I said something really smart about power) me and two other guys walked over to the park. It was me and 13 guys. I was in heaven. For some reason, I was trying to make friends with girls. Am I crazy? I know that doesn't work, and yet I keep trying!! I'm an IDIOT! So it was awesome, I played pretty well and a bunch of us went out to a pub afterwards for some food and a beer. Then we all went to the pub on campus and one of the guys whipped out his guitar and we all sat around singing. I recognized one of the songs so I joined in on a harmony part. Immediately we just all started jammin' and sat there for about 2 hours. I eventually got a little whoosy from all the cigarette smoke, so now I'm on my way over to a friends room. Apparently cards and vodka are involved, so that should be fun. Kish shows up tonight and I'm kind of looking forward to it and kind of not. I'm pretty sure she's not going to be a clinger after a while, but I've found a nice bunch of people, I hope I don't lose touch with them becuase I'm spending so much time with her. It won't be her fualt, it'll be mine.


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