The Leaving of Liverpool

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December 2nd 2007
Published: December 2nd 2007
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It's not the leaving of Liverpool that hurts me so but my darling when I think of you. Well we've had to leave Anfield behind, but we're off for an anniversary scran, courtesy of G&H, at a little place Nick suggested in Kowloon, apparently yer have to ask for a beer on the QT because it's unlicensed, but the curry is meant to be spot on, before we head back over to Hong Kong island to join the Hong Kong reds for the Bolton game.

We're staying at the 5* Harbour Plaza hotel in Whampoa, which was a boss leaving prezzy off Ste & Corinna, it's very plush with an executive suite and a roof top swimming pool, we've views out into Hong Kong harbour, and all the staff call yer sir!

Attached some photo's from our last bit of a knees up at my nan's on thursday night, along with a couple of auf weidersehen pet type shots when we finally left, bazza yer really are a short arse considering Alex is hiding yer mush and yer standing on a step behind her!

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