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February 21st 2007
Published: February 22nd 2007
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Internet, at last!Internet, at last!Internet, at last!

Yes, I took a picture of my newly-restored outlet.
Today's big news is: my Internet connection has been fixed!

It's been two and a half weeks, but the IT department finally sent someone down to fix the wires. I made a pest of myself, going down there to remind them every few days, since they don't have a very good system of dealing with requests. At UW-Eau Claire, they would have sent someone within an hour of the complaint. But that's all in the past - now I can waste the hours of my life away online...from my very own room!


In other news, (haha, I'm such a journalist) the days since London have been pretty uneventful. I realized that my first essay is due next Monday, and I haven't even started working on it, so now I'm a bit panicked. And still procrastinating, I might add.


We also re-evaluated our travel plans and started booking airline tickets. I also bought my Eurail pass, for Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Exciting!!

Here's the new, still under revision, schedule:

March 24-March 31 -- Stay on the Greek island of Rhodes, on a different resort than originally planned. The flights to Cyprus were too expensive!

March 31-April 2 -- Tour Athens.

April 2-April 12 -- Italy!! We fly into Rome and have Florence and Venice on our list of cities to explore. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know! This coincides with Holy Week and Easter, too, so if you know of a good place to be....pass along the info!

April 12-April 22 -- This is where Betsy and Victoria leave Mary and I to explore Germany, with stops in Switzerland and Austria. Mary wants to look into Nazi historical sites, like death camps, etc., in Germany and Austria, and I want to explore the Lutherlands - to see where Martin Luther was born, studied, died, etc. I also want to do a day or two near the Swiss Alps. Again, if you have any must-see places - let me know!!


Yesterday I booked a flight to Prague, too! As I think I've mentioned before, my cousin Becky and her husband Ben are missionaries in Plzen, which is near Prague in the Czech Republic. They're having me for a long weekend -- Wednesday to Sunday -- the week before my month-long spring break. I'm very excited to spend time with them and explore the area!


Speaking of exciting news....today I bought breakfast food, since I've been missing my favorite meal of the day. Muffins, bananas, orange juice - hey, it's the little things that make me happy...

I also mailed a ton of postcards (check your mail!) and starting looking for flights for my mom to come visit. I found out that my classes end about two weeks earlier than the school originally told us (grrr...), so I'm going to change my flight from June 30 to June 20-ish, and Mom and I can get our traveling in sooner.


Since I was told that many churches around here don't have Lent services, I was unable to attend an Ash Wednesday service. Sad! But I attended a "cell" meeting, which is a mini-Bible study out of the much-larger campus organization called Christian Union. It was a group of 8 girls - including myself, Anna and Liz, who were visiting, and Cecelia, who brought us - and we read Daniel 3-4 as part of a prescribed study, discussed questions, and ate pizza and cookies. It was interesting to attend, and I liked the prayer session, but it went long (6-9:45 p.m.) But I think I'll go back, since the girls were all VERY nice (only one was a little...out there...) and I felt spiritually uplifted afterward. Plus, they said it was a double session tonight, since they couldn't do it last week, and it won't always be that long.


That's the mundane news of my life...sorry it can't all be about exciting trips! Oh, and I included some equally dry photos to go with this entry...enjoy!


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