Rocket Launcher cows

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March 12th 2007
Published: March 13th 2007
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So i was sitting at my desk this afternoon when a completely random girl walked up to me and started rabbiting on about a whole bunch of stuff, but mostly the Lonely Planet guide sitting on my desk. We got to talking about Cambodia and Vietnam, where she'd been sometime a while back (what makes you think i was focussing on how hot she was?).

We're talking about back packing in general, and she swings the conversation onto the subject of Shooting Animals with Big Guns. Pretty random in my book, but she's pretty and i figure that gives her ...well, leeway to talk about whatever the hell she wants. So I mention some borderline ballas about hunting in SA, totally not getting the drift of where this is going, until she pulls out this gem.

"I met these guys in Vietnam who'd come threw from Cambodia where they'd SHOT COWS WITH ROCKET LAUNCHERS. and then she mentioned some other stuff, but i was kind of stuck on this one. What the fuck, shooting cows with rocket launchers?, this sounds like Striaght-Out-Of-South-Park craziness. So we discuss it a little, well mostly i'm excited by the craziness of the concept, and then she left.

Sounds like Cambodia's going to be a crazy time.

Watch this space.

el Bastardo


19th March 2007

like you need any encouragment....
So I think you should make a sign that reads "Needs no encouragement- all wierd ideas and dares welcome." The somewhat strange and unnerving thing is I can see you thinking from all the way down here... hmmm, rocket launcher, now which one of my wierd and twisted connections would have one hanging around the garage and what else can we shoot? My first guess would be Kenbo as it seems his ego is hell bent on taking over the world, and a rocket launcher mght come in handy. Now it's not cause of the bloodsport, which would be a given if you were American, it's more... seen as you're a Saffa... the idea of the stories you could tell afterward and possible the biltong to be made with the ready shredded meat. So good luck with that one sweets and stay away from the crazies!

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