Amazing food makes everything better

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January 31st 2008
Published: January 31st 2008
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Ok, so today was better. Did ALOT of walking thanks to Bryan... im not sure im im thanking him or ready to kill him. This is what we pretty much did all day; ate breakfast at the hotel, went out walking around Hyde Park areas, went to a mall (more about that later-amazing), went to get some tea, back to the hotel to nap, then dinner. and now here we are. Im addicted to tea now, even more than before... aaand I have decided that I hate walking, but its a necessary evil. I wouldnt say I hate London, that is such a strong word. I mildy dislike it.. I dont care for the food (except dinner tonight i loved-italian) and i honestly just dont see anything special and unique, other than weird driving. To be fair, I havent seen any of the huge sights like the palace or anything, and there is pretty architecture... but I just dont feel the love. At night, the whole city looks soo much more fun, but we are both stil jetlagged and probably wont be able to see it until we come back. Bryan and I both cannot wait to get to school and settle in, see everyone, etc. We are worried about time constraints and such, but hopefully it will all work out. Apparently we have to get off the plain in Luebeck, and 15 minutes later our bus leaves to go to the Hamburg main bus station. Yeah,, lets hope our bags are where they need to be.

Sooo... the mall. Whiteley's is really cool (nothing beats the megamall in Vienna, however..) and it has H&M, my fave. Bryan discouraged me from buying anything and now I cant wait to go to the H&M in Hamburg. Shopping withdrawal. I have spent so much money in London and honestly it has only been on food, a tube pass and some chapstick. Its sickening... The dollar needs to start doing better against these foreign currencies.. or the other way around. Whatever. Anyways, dinner was amazing! It was this really inexpensive italian restaurant called ASK where we actually were seated and were waited on, which was an unexpected surprise. Bryan loves the english food, but since ive had a combined total of 8 bites of a burger and 2 slices of toast since we've landed, I needed my way on the restaurant choice. I forget the name of what i had, it was in italian, but basically i got penne in a spicy tomato sauce with little spicy meatballs with garlic and all those fun spices. It was amazing.. and I need to remember what its called so I can find it again.

Tomorrow we are about to pay an absolutely disgusting amount of money to go to the airport (Stansted). After yesterdays struggles, we both decided that is is well worth any amount of money not to have to walk and take the tube with all of our luggage. Hell, after yesterday I never want to travel again. Ive made some luggage changes and hopefully my carry on is going to be alot easier to deal with this time. The cab is coming right to the front of the hotel for us, so Im really glad we arranged it tonight.. no walking with luggage! HOORAH. Well I think that was my day pretty much, but it is only 830, so we'll see. We have to hit up an ATM for tomorrow... yikes will be our reaction.

Love, J


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