Hell Bus

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December 19th 2006
Published: December 20th 2006
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This day started and ended with a bus. We headed out this morning on the 148 to Westminster and hopped off just in time to catch the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. Very impressive. One wonders what would happen if there were a real threat. It took over an hour to change the guards. I could have infiltrated their ranks, stolen a fuzzy hat and run away before they knew what hit them. The Royal band played Christmas carols while the men marched with their automatic weapons. Touching. The tradition is cool though. Something we don't see much of in the U.S.

After that we hoofed it down the street until we turned a corner and Big Ben and Westminster Abbey appeared out of the haze. Wow, that was a spectacular moment. We had lunch on the Thames, and then Jerry, Jeff and I went up in the London Eye. Linda stayed below (stoicly) to photograph our assent. This is a gigantic Farris wheel. It goes hundreds of feet in the air and takes a half hour for a full rotation.

Then it was up to Trafalgar Square for a nip and some carols under the giant
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace

Changing of The Guards
Christmas tree from Denmark. Why are the Europeans so much better at lighting their buildings than we are? They look grand.

Then it all went to Hell. As only an American can assume, we assumed that bus 148 which we had taken to this location would also return us. Oh, no. We were on the wrong side of the street. That 148 goes South and South only. As we approached Morocco, I deduced that we had gone too far South. 90 minutes, two bus rides and a taxi later we arrived back at our hotel.

Tomorrow, we shall brave the harsh London streets once again.




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Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Ben AgainBen Again
Ben Again

From Across the River Thames

20th December 2006

German Public Transportation
I hope you have better luck with your next stop in Germany--maybe it was the language that threw you in London. . .sounds like you guys are seeing it all!
20th December 2006

Hell bus
Too funny! Sounds like you're having a great time, though. You know, in that picture of you and the boys, before I enlarged it, I thought it was Linda in the middle. I thought, "Hmm, Linda got a perm..."
20th December 2006

Love the Updates
I'm sitting here with the flu absolutely enjoying your blogs. I wish so much that we could be back there in London, but since that's not going to happen, please keep the updates coming! It's the only thing making me feel better. Tell Jeff and Jerry that Ian and Emily loved getting their pictures that Linda sent a few weeks ago! Miss you guys! ENJOY YOUR TRIP!!!! Love, Katy, Joe, Ian and Emily Mufich
21st December 2006

Jolly good!
Love your blog ol' chap! So fun to hear what you are up to and see pictures. I have seen the sights you are seeing in London (many moons ago)...so cool. It must be even better at Christmas time - sounds awesome (except for the hell bus). We just got our power on yesterday after 5 days without...talk about hell. Glad to be able to get online and read your blog. Where will you be on Christmas day? I think you said Austria, but I'm not sure. We are heading to Spokane...maybe I'll do a travel blog too (ha, ha). Glad you are having fun. Love to everyone....Susan
21st December 2006

Hell Bus
Loks like you are seeing some really cool stuff, even with the bus ride from Hell! Have a great Vacation!
24th December 2006

Thanks a lot!!!

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