3 weeks in London

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February 1st 2011
Published: February 1st 2011
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So the first three weeks in London have been quite the adventure! I moved into my apartment in Kensington which overlooks Hyde Park. They call Kensington the "Royal" burrough because Kensington Palace is located here, the home to Princess Diana. I have done the touristy things like Big Ben/ Westminister Abbey as well as the Tower of London to see the crown Jewels. I learned how royalty works by asking one of the men who worked at the Tower of London. Very interesting, if there is a family with a girl and a boy, even if the girl is older, the boy trumps her and becomes King. I saw the show 39 Steps, which in Britain, I found to be awful, I guess I just do not understand British humor fully yet. London is beyond expensive, but I have found ways to live cheaply by going to the supermarket and eating frozen meals. However, I am looking forward to this weekend because I am either going to cook a nice asian dish or mexican dish. Tomorrow I am waking up early to go to the box office to get cheap tickets to the show "The Children's Hour" starring Keira Knightley. And then we are going out to a nice Italian meal to celebrate one of my flatmate's 21st birthday! As for the school aspect, I am taking global marketing and british life and business. And next Tuesday my class is going on a field trip to Parliament, which I am extremely excited for. That's all for today, hope to keep updating!


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