Just Touched down in London Town

Published: June 19th 2013
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After what seems like years of planning, our Eurotrip has finally arrived! Kristina and I are so excited and to think that the trip has only begun. I am only done with day two in London and I feel like I have experienced so much already. Not to mention how sleep deprived I am.

Monday Morning… I wake up at 6 AM in order to get all of my last minute ducks in their rows. My portfolio review for my program admissions was moved to 10 AM that day and my flight left Chicago at 6 PM. This caused quite the panic attack in my mind. After the outstanding financial assistance from my mom, I was able to get a Noon flight from Lansing and arrive in Chicago with time to spare. Due to my fiercely independent personality and keen ability to read signs, I made it from terminal to terminal no sweat. First Step Chicago, Next Step London!

I met Kristina and her mom at the terminal and we had an awesome flight! Everything went smoothly and because there were so few people on the flight, we each got our own row of seats to sprawl out across! Despite the added luxury, I was unable to get ZERO sleep.

We made it to London at 8 AM local time. Kristina and her mom went on to Ireland for a few days. I decided to be money conscious and got a hostel in London for the time they were gone.

<span>Whatever money I saved by not going to Ireland, I lost in the cab ride to my hostel. FELLOW TRAVELERS DO NOT TAKE A CAB FROM THE AIRPORT TO LONDON. DON’T DO IT.

My hostel was 10 pounds per night, and you got exactly what you paid for. (Video to come). Despite the less than adequate living accommodation everyone I met here has been really awesome. The hostel is geared towards college backpackers so everyone is young and really down to earth. I think I’ve met more people I’ve gotten along with here in the past 24 hours then I have my entire life in the states….<span>I am in a 8 person room with 6 french men….oh la la! I won them over with putting my 4 years of high school French to good use.

<span> The hostel is in Camden so my roommates and I decided to check it out. I gotta admit I REALLY like it. They had a great market which I spent too much money at and had to remind myself that it was only the first day. Also the scenery is beautiful and the bars were reasonably priced. The Frenchmen left out of the city for the day so then I immediately booked it to Kings Cross.

For all you muggles out there, Kings cross is a crucial scene in the Harry Potter series.

After I got my Harry Potter fix, I decided to get something to eat…. trying to be cultural and avoid the corporate america that was taking over central London, I got a french crepe…. not exactly your traditional English meal, but at least it’s not McDonalds. That got me thinking what IS a traditional meal in England? Shepherds Pie? Fish and Chips?

Its also 2:30 local time at this point and I can’t begin to calculate how many hours I’ve been up. Over 24… it doesn’t really matter past that point. Despite my growing fatigue, I wanted to make the most of my London excursion and not mess up my sleep schedule. Therefore I trekked on to the British Museum. When I went to London in 11th grade I remember how cool I thought the building was, and it was equally as impressive the second time. They had an exhibit on Pompeii and it made me get super excited for Italy in a couple weeks!

After the Museum I stopped and had a Stella Artois at a little pub. I ended up talking to the bartender about Red Wings hockey and How I Met Your Mother for a good hour. It’s funny what connections you can make despite being in different countries. I went back to the hostel and after talking with everyone in the lounge for a little bit, i decided to call it quits. I’m not sure if the bed is comfy or not… I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

<span>Day two my frenchmen left me, but I met some awesome fellow Americans from Florida Atlantic. We decided to travel together into the city. We bought a day pass for the tube and everything went smoothly… Honestly I don’t understand why people hate subways or find them confusing.

<span>Our first stop was Buckingham Palace. WELL little did we know, today was the opening day of Parlament, so the Queen was addressing them and we happened to stumble upon her procession on the way back. Having the Queen wave to you is pretty monumental. We stopped at parlament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and other tourist places to take places. After that we went back to the hostel before going out tonight.


<span>Hopefully I’ll be able to update as elaborately and and frequently and I intend… however, who knows with technology/WiFi/time.



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