First road trip...Brighton, England

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October 16th 2007
Published: October 16th 2007
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So we thought we'd do an easy first trip, given that we were lugging golf clubs, and unsure how we'd get around without a we took a short (50 min) train ride to English Channel to a town called Brighton (big surprise we have a Brighton in Boston).

The train ride could not have been easier, we got a cab to the hotel dropped our stuff and walked around for most of the night. It was nice to be out of the city and the weather was pretty decent. There wasn't much to do in the town except shop and eat/drink, and they have a big boardwalk with rides and games. The is the place that UKers head to for bachelor/bachelorette parties for some reason, so every other group of girls were on a "hen-do" ...that is what they call them here...guys are a "stag-do"...there were lots of those too.

Sunday we golfed at the East Brighton Golf Club, a course that was about a mile from the ocean, but it was so hilly it looked like every hole was on the water. It was pretty cool. On the 2nd hole, a par 3, I hit a pretty good tee-shot, it landed just on the edge of the green, and I was pretty psyched...then along came a seagull and started batting around my ball with its nose...then it PICKED UP my ball in its mouth, and FLEW AWAY!! It was really funny, but I couldn't get the camera out fast enough. We watched it fly around for a while to see if it would drop it down, but it never did.

Later in the day we met up with a local guy who walks the course every day and picks up balls, he was amused with the fact that we were yanks from "America" and gave Evan about 15 new golfs balls, including one that he had lost earlier in the day.

Here are some pics from the course...

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One of the shopping streets in townOne of the shopping streets in town
One of the shopping streets in town

Most of them looked like this

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