5 Inch Heels and Nana's Meals

Europe » Ukraine
June 25th 2010
Published: June 25th 2010
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We truly thought that the overnight train from Brasov to Suceava would be so much better and easier to sleep on than a bus but sadly we were mistaken. I am sure that if it wasn’t for two old gypsy ladies we would have been fine. We were settled into our cabin with one other guy, he couldn’t speak English but offered J a swig of his beer, J declined nicely!! It was really hot so we had the wind... Read Full Entry

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Photos: 110, Displayed: 21


Kamyanets-Podilsky FortressKamyanets-Podilsky Fortress
Kamyanets-Podilsky Fortress

High heels and cobblestones.

Playing the National instrument, the Bandura. These guys were actualy triplets.

View from the fortress.
Wobbly bike, Ivano FrankivskWobbly bike, Ivano Frankivsk
Wobbly bike, Ivano Frankivsk

If you could ride the bike past the beer you win it.

28th June 2010

True Ukrainian
WooHoo! Your a true Ukrainian now Jason, now you have had the vodka breakfast, vodka lunch and vodka tea! Thanks guys that was wonderful being filled in on your awesome trip and your one on one contact with the family. Cant wait to hear more when you get home. Luv Aunty Hell.x
30th July 2010
Cossack Revival, Lviv

this guy gets around
he was in Krakow during tourist season, during the time we lived there. We are enjoying reading about your experiences, and connecting with family from far away.

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