Well, I got here

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September 1st 2007
Published: September 1st 2007
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That was supposed to have an exclamation point, but I don't want to spend five days trying to find it. And if I spell a word with a z that normally has a y, its because their positions are opposite on the kezboards here. See?

I was extremely frustrated yesterday, as I missed my connecting flight in Frankfurt. I went to the assigned gate, and gave my ticket to the lady at the counter. She looks at the ticket, looks at me, looks at the ticket again, and says: Geneva! It's gone! (Image it in a German accent; I dare you not to laugh.)(Oh, and I found the !) After taking a moment to wonder if she meant the city or the plane bound for it, I went upstairs two floors to the tranfer desk. Such precise directions!

Ok, not so precise. I waited in the long line for about 45 minutes, but I did meet Tess, the lovely young lady pictured with the Drew Carey look-alike above (her opinion, but true in this case, I think). She missed her flight the evening before, and spent the previous 24 hours in the airport. Tess had a hilarious story about her thighs being groped by a stern German woman. Of course, the woman was security, so maybe it isn't so odd afterall.

Geneva is a quaint city (props to Erin for the word choice). I've attached some random pictures. I'm still a little uneasy about the job thing (as in, not having one), but I don't regret being here.

The spellchecker here is in French (I can't imagine whz), so mz spelling is probablz attrocious. And I obviouslz gave up on the z·y thing.

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Photos: 8, Displayed: 8




3rd September 2007

Wonderful Pictures
Fred Even though you missed your connector it sounds like you ran into some neat people. Tess sounds great even if she thought you were a Drew Carey look a like! We miss you!!!
4th September 2007

Congratulations, it looks like you are out of retirement.

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