safe and sound

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September 8th 2007
Published: September 8th 2007
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We have arrived safe and sound to a beautiful 20 degrees in poland, and after a horrible never ending 26 hours flight, full of painful bumcheeks and sore necks, we drown our sorrows with over tired shopping and comfort drinks. the whole group has met, and everyone seems so nice. we all get along really well, and even though when i first got on the plane with them all, i couldnt stop thinking 'why am i here, i dont belong', now it seems like its lightening up😊
we've spent the day in tiring jet lag, but never the less, made the most out of it, by not sleeping instead spending lots of money at this HUGE shopping complex. i bought a phone wth a local sim, so will be able to be in direct contact with all. also bought new clothes, since all i brought was thermals, and its tshirt weather over here.figured i deserved spending money on myself, since ive been saving for a long time.
we have orientation for a week and then i head off to my village. i got told of 'fun' things happening to the previous volunteers at my placement which involved the A.D.D children there constantly attacking the volunteers, n going through there rooms(the room now has a lock), and apprently my 'home' is the party house....its a ex-monestry so its huge....a huge party house!!!!!!!!
anyway, im nearly out of time for i'll write again soon.
hope everyones happy and healthy.
love to all.....


8th September 2007

sounds good! glad to hear your getting along with every1 and i hope the little phychos dont attack you... wish i could come to a party in your new house, but i think it might be a little further than my car can take me :) Anyways look after urself sis! love and miss u heaps!! xxx

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