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April 24th 2006
Published: April 24th 2006
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One for the book...One for the book...One for the book...

Sunset at Ponte Vecchio
Today I am in Florence, Italy. We arrived here yesterday after being in Venice for a few days.

High lights...

Nutella flavored Gelatto with whip cream, CANALS instead of streets, HOMMEMADE italian journals from cute Italian couples (and perfect timing because I just finished my first journal...I write like crazy), Sunsets at the Ponte Vecchio--definitely an entry for my future sunset book, Florence Street Performers---especially when your traveling partners are a part of the show and you get sucked into being a part of it for a moment, Today's run with Mel to a viewpoint that overlooks the city of, purple flowers, yellow homes...

Low lights (few and far between and really I feel guilty even putting this down...more just humorous bits about traveling)...

Smelling like rotton cheese because I just washed my clothes, didnàt let them dry all the way and wadded them up into my pack wet.

Expensive explanation for this abbreviated update.

I will write more from cinque terre!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


How romantic...How romantic...
How romantic...

Blair, Mel, Jackie (our New Zealand roomie) and Alyssa on the gondola with Hugo.
la dolce vitala dolce vita
la dolce vita

Our favorite gelatto in Venice...nutella gelatto dunked in whipped cream!
Florence Street PerformanceFlorence Street Performance
Florence Street Performance

Blair--the star of the show.

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