Florence - Italy

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May 31st 2008
Published: June 2nd 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: Dinner in Florence with Music 17 secs
Saturday 31st May: Work in Progress

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18


Some Irish Bar 2Some Irish Bar 2
Some Irish Bar 2

In the Bronx Brother
Some Irish Bar 3Some Irish Bar 3
Some Irish Bar 3

Big Al was not sure about going there - but he looks pretty sure of it here.

20th June 2008

I said minutes before that "I DIDNT WANT TO DO IT!!!!!!!!" Classic example of peer group pressure!
20th June 2008

C'mon mate - Clearly from the picture in that Irish bar you were totally in love with her!! Peer pressure my arse!

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