Day 27 - Sorrento

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Europe » Italy » Campania » Sorrento
May 14th 2011
Published: May 23rd 2011
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The date is wrong on all blogs today due to a problem with the PC I'm using. I'll change it at some point.

Today I decided to go to Amalfi. The region that I am in at the moment is called the amalfi coast so I decided that I should go and visit the town that gave the coastline its name.

I just missed one bus as I arrived at the station, so I had to wait in the sweltering heat for the next one. The journey took about an hour and a half. The bus was small and crowded with very poor air conditioning. However, to make up for it there were spectacular views of the coast from the bus as the road ran right alongside a shear cliff face.

When we arrived in Amalfi I was craving something proper to eat, so I sat down at the first pizzeria I came to and had a decent pizza for about 6 euros. I then went for a wonder around the town. In itself the town in quite small, however, there are numerous walks in the currounding hills (none of which I was brave enough to attempt due to the heat). After having a wonder I walked around the harbour to the pebbly beach. The water looked so enticing, so I decided to go for a paddle. I stupidly not thought to bring my towel so I didn't go for a swim. Instead I dozed in the sun on the only patch of sand on the beach.

After catching a bus back I went into my room to discover that it was now full (the previous night there had been only 3 of us). I had a chat with a couple of them whilst waiting for another 2 to arrive. There were 2 groups (1 group of 4 Americans and 1 groupd of 2 Americans and a Brit). Me, Mitch and the 4 Americans all went out for a very nice meal of pasta. I tried limoncello for the first time. Limoncello is a tangy lemon liquor, very nice. We then went to a bar on the edge of town and had cocktails. I ordered an old fashioned and didn't like it, so Mitch finished it for me. Ah well.

Tomorrow I move on.


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