Blogs from Central Hungary, Hungary, Europe - page 125


Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest September 30th 2005

Okay, I guess we should have known how this city was going to fare when we got into the cab and the driver started telling us that "communism - good, democracy - idiot". His words, not mine. We both were disappointed with Budapest and are very ready to leave. I think this is more of a 3 day and 2 night kind of city than the 5 days and 4 nights we were here. The natives are not friendly and the service is poor, even by European standards. We tried to get out of here earlier, but we couldn't get out of our hotel reservation without paying the entire 4 nights' charges. In hindsight, it may have been better to eat the cost and bail out for the next place. Not to slam the place entirely, ... read more
Chain Bridge - Day
Chain Bridge - Night
St. Matyas Church

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest September 22nd 2005

Man, I am really getting really good at charades. So after our wild night out in Budapest, the next day was spent just recovering. We went to these thermal baths with are gigantic pools that people just lounge around in. They are different temperatures too. And different colours. We determined that the colour was determined by the level of pee in them. The more the colour actually looked blue, the less likely it had pee. In the green pool, i accidentally got some water splashed in my mouth. I was not pleased. So that evening I took my 10 hour train ride to Krakow, Poland. This time I was smart and looked around for a woman to share the train cab with. I found one Hungarian lady and asked if she was going all the way ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest September 21st 2005

Hello again my faithful followers. Well yesterday i got to see a bit of Budapest. IN fact, I think we walked about 4 miles yesterday exploring Budapest. It was quite nice, but I am pretty sure I can give the tour myself now. The highlight however was later in the hostel bar, i met loads of fun people. Most notebly, some British lads from, of all places: WEMBLEY. (My dog's name) they said that naming my dog wembley was probably the nicest thing that had ever happened to Wembley. Haha. So we went to a bar and next thing I know it's 5 am. how is this possible? The girls we had gone with had found their Hungarian hookups (sorry i wasnt' into it) so I just stayed with the lads. Then this morning, so early, ... read more
Wembley Boys

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Szentendre September 18th 2005

Walking down the cobblestone streets of Szentendre, a small town outside Budapest, I was lucky enough to stumble right into the middle of some festival. I have no idea what it was celebrating, but it was great. Old women, men, families, they all were dressed up, riding around on these little horse-drawn carriages, sloshed on the local wine, singing songs and handing out wine and grapes to me and all the other spectators. A bunch of teenagers were swinging each other around, jumping and spinning in what I assume was some kind of traditional Hungarian dancing while everyone cheered them on.... read more
Teenagers dancing
Sloshed old people in parade
Church tower through the trees

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest September 16th 2005

After spending some time in Austria we jumped on a bus and made the quick (3hrs) journey down to Budapest. Easily the most fun city I have visited in my European travels. We arrived at the central bus station and jumped on the very efficent tube into town and then onto a soviet era tram to our hostel; the coolest hostel ever! We stayed at backpacker which was recommended to me by a friend who had stayed there before. They were too busy to fit us into a dorm but happily plunked us a in a very comfy 3 man tent, complete with mattresses, sheets and blankets in the backyard. When I asked if I could leave my backpack in the living room the answer was "This place is yours, do as you please". The ... read more
Chain Bridge
Chain Bridge
Chain Bridge

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest September 9th 2005

We stayed at a hostel in Budapest called "Mellow Mood", and unfortunately David and I couldn't get a double room. I was in a four person dorm, and I never once saw my roomies. We had to set out straight away to meet our walking tour. On the tour was: a really rud Aussie woman (who called Amsterdam "Drug City" straight to Dutch people), and three girls that I'd seen on Busabout before (one has alopecia), and a guy named Jarrod, and a few others. Our guide was a really pretty Hungarian girl. David and I were hot and hungry, and while I'm glad that we did it because we saw quite a lot of Budapest, I don't really remember any of it now. I didn't know anything about the city when I began the tour, ... read more
David and I at the castle

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 22nd 2005

Sorry that I havent written in a while... I have been so busy. What can I say about the music festival? it was really cool, cheap and I got to see a lot of really cool bands. I had to leave a little early because I couldnt take it anymore, needed time to detox. Went to Slovenia and thought that it was really nice and it was good to get out of a big city and into something smaller. I stayed it the capital for a two days and then got invited to go camping in the country side with these 3 irish girls i met on the train from budapest. Stayed at this lake that had a really big castle in the middle that you could swim out to. Really nice and peaceful. Left Bled ... read more
What a mug

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 18th 2005

Finally reached Hungary!! Long loooong flight it turned out to be. Due to flight delays I didn’t get more than 30 minutes in transit..which was great. Got here on 16th morning and staying in a university hostel, 2 minutes away from Danube :)). Budapest has that feel to know chaos amidst orderliness!!. Ate as soon as I got here in a dingy underground place…Mexican chillies and tortillas and all sorts of mixtures. Trams seem to be big here..along with metro buses and suburban trains. Already traveled ticketless once!! Went around exploring around the city, walking along the Danube..yes yes its as romantic as the books say. Hey and plenty of cobblestone streets and as always there are numerous old museums, churches and castles. Surprisingly, there seems to be too many emergencies, with ambulance and police ... read more
Blaha terminal
Castle Hill

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Esztergom August 17th 2005

Of all the places I have visted thus far in Europe, Hungary is the one that still bares so many scars of history; in both it's buildings and in it's people's collective memory. Hungary for me is really like the inspirational kid from the wrong end of town - a tough childhood, but determined spirit through it all, who has pulled himself up by the boot laces and is about to shine. There's something about this country I just love, some intangible combination of elements that I can't quite articulate. But I'm definently going to come back to try and find out precisely what it is! INSERT BORING HISTORICAL BIT HERE Hungary, perched between modern day Austria and Turkey, occupies a key area of land caught between the east and the west. The first empire to ... read more
Esztergom Basilica
Esztergom Basilica

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 13th 2005

I'm now in Budapest, living at the home of Peter's (friend of mine, living in Marburg) father. Today, I want to visit Sziget festival with some friends.... read more

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