Day One - Flying to Budapest

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July 26th 2017
Published: July 30th 2017
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Sorry it has taken me so long to update this. We have been very busy and it's hard no to take full advantage of our rest time in the rare instance we do have some.

We arrived at LAX at 630 Wednesday morning and breezed through check-in and security. Most guys ate breakfast in the airport and charged their various devices as we waitied for our flight.

Our first flight to Toronto was pretty uneventful. There was food for purchase and screens on each seat to watch various movies or tv shows.

Once in Toronto, we cleared immiagration and headed to our new gate. We then sat for a while or grabbed food at the various nearby restaurants.

We got on board our flight around 8:30pm Toronto time, but did not actually depart until about an hour later. Someone didn't make the flight so they had to search for and remove their luggage from the plane.

Most guys slept or watched movies during the long flight. They did serve dinner just after takeoff which was a choice of chicken and rice or mac and cheese (they must've known Ethan was on board). Just before we landed, they gave everyone a piece of bread for breakfast.

We arrived around noon in Budapest, cleared an extremely long and unorganized immigration line and then went to get our bags. After successfully claiming all our luggage, we walked outside of security to meet Edina, our guide for the first few days.

I will let the guys take it from here. Each day, two people are assigned to write the blog. I will add commentary and pictures when appropriate. Each athlete is also traveling with the book, "The Inner Game of Tennis" by W. Timothy Gallwey (or as Justin calls it, "In the Mindset of the Tennis.") Each blog post will include a quote from the book and how it relates to our team or an activity from our day. Enjoy!


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