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Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Ios
July 18th 2007
Published: July 18th 2007
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Prior to my arrival I heard that the Ios is the party island of Greece. I was looking forward to some dancing and crazy nights.

Upon my arrival, I went to Far away Camping site and asked for accommodation. They were fully booked. However, when they asked me where I am from I replied Canada, and added Serbia. Immediately the guy behind the counter replied, why don't you speak Serbian so that the whole world can understand you. AND...the place was found for me.
I was placed in a tent bungalow that looks like a dog house. It has a door that locks and 2 beds. It has nothing else and it is as small as the beds.
The price for this bungalow is usually 10 euros a night for each bed.
I was paired up with an Australian guy who had a reservation.

Immediately I changed into my swimming shorts and headed to the beach. The camp site has a huge bar, restaurant and the 2 swimming pools. The party was just underway. The DJ was playing heavy house music and there were people dancing on edges of pool and dance floor. I passed by and headed to the beach, which was just across the road.

The beach was crowded with young people playing beach volleyball, suntanning and frolicking in the water.
I went for a refreshing swim and afterwards joined a group of Australian girls on the dance floor.

Shortly after a staff from the camp site asked me if I was interested in getting a job at the camp site. I declined.
Not long after he came again and asked me if I wanted to work in a night club as a doorman. That sounded more interesting.
The pay was only 25 euros per night, but it would pay for my scooter, accommodation. On top of that I was to get all the free drinks I want at the club.
I said sure.

The same night I headed into town and met the club manager at the new club called MAD LOOP. It had just opened and they had no staff and needed to get the word out that they existed.

I worked there for 3 nights from 1 am to 6 am, partying and dancing with customers during the night.
After 6 we would all go to Scorpion club that stays open till 8 am and would dance some more.
During the day I found that my "dog house" would get too hot anytime after 10 am and I would be sleeping and relaxing on the beach during the day. After the sunset, around 9 pm, I would have dinner and sleep a few more hours before heading into work.

After the 3rd night at the Mad Loop I decided to quit and move to work at Scorpion as they also had offered me a job. It paid 35 Euros and there were more people to chat and dance with as it was a well established club. On top of that there were 3 Macedonian guys working as doormen there as well, and we could converse well.

The manager of Scorpion liked me working there as there were many groups of Serbian tourists coming in. As I was able to talk to them I was a benefit to keep things in order.

However, after day 6, I was starting to feel the lack of sleep and felt that I either need to find a proper room and sleep at least 6 hours at the time or move on.

I went around the town looking for rooms. Most places were fully booked, or asking outrageous prices of 70 or more euros per night. I decided that it was time to move on.

I booked my ticket to Mykanos and said my farewells on wednesday night. Everyone was sad to see me go and tried to convince me to stay more.

Despite the hardcore party life, Island of Ios has some amazing beaches to offer and quite beaches can be found.

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Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


23rd July 2007

I enjoy reading your posts - sounds like you are having a blast. What a relaxing life you have going on there Fig!

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