So much to say!

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Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Aachen
August 8th 2008
Published: August 21st 2008
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I will start telling about yesterday. There is a lot so be prepared to read. Our plane arrived in Frankfurt around 8 o'clock in the morning. The jet lag was awful! I had only slept about 2 hours on the plane so by the time I arrived in Aachen I had been awake 29 hours with only one 2 hour nap. Yea, I think it's pretty safe to say that I was tired. Getting off the plane was exciting. It was the first that I actually experienced of Germany first hand. Getting onto the train was... not so easy. The trains work differently in Europe than they do in America. The do not wait. If you don't have all of your baggage and all of your butt on that train in the three minutes that it is parked there then you are in deep trouble. This wouldnt be so bad if you happen to be traveling alone with one small suitcase, but unfortunately for us we were seven teenagers each with a years worth of luggage. All of which had never been on a european train and had no idea what they were doing. Interesant, ja? Ja, sehr. We did, however, manage alright. My arrival in Aachen was well recieved. At first I did not recognise my famiy and they didn't recongnise me either. Probably becasue I was wearing sunglasses and I had about 4 in. of dirt, sweat, oil and several other assorted things of that nature piled on my face. We did see each other eventually though and they gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The took me home where they showed me around and let me freshen up a bit. After that we went to Exil to eat supper. Don't ask what i ate because I could not tell you the name, but it was pasta with mushrooms and the most wonderful sauce you will ever taste. The following events were kind of a blur, but I know they involved unpacking and sleeping...which leads us to:


Monika was at the dentist so I had breakfast with Laura where, for the first time in my life, I tried nutella. It was absolutely amazing. We had errands to run today as well. First it was to some office place to get my Visa. I had smiled in my passport photo which made it unable to be used so we had to reschedule. it was not really a probem because we went straight to a photo shop and go them done in less than 10 minutes. While at the office, though, I saw karl and I met his host family. After that we ran a few more errands and then had lunch. Next was just a small bit of shopping and then home. Laura had a book that she needed to give back to her boyfirend Toby so she and I took the bus to his house. I met his parents. They are very nice, but I still don't know enough German to understand very well. We then came back to the flat and watched dance videos. And now to bed.


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