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September 13th 2006
Published: October 5th 2006
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After arriving in Berlin in what was ostensibly the longest day of my life, I left the hotel to experience German beer. As it turns out and as was expected the brew was both expensive and refreshing. Some friends and I started a conversation with a man from Copenhagen who after speaking with for some time deemed that I be called "the jokester."

The following morning, September 12, I went on a bus tour of the city. A notable sight during the tour was Peter Eisenman's Holocaust Memorial. This memorial consisted of hundreds of granite blocks arranged in such a way that it appears to be a wheat field on a windy day. Although this affect was not achieved when I experienced the monument, other people claim to see the creator's intent. The afternoon was spent in Berlin's museum of modern art where I enjoyed many paintings by Andy Warhol. Specifically, the painting "Mao" was stunning due to both its incredible size and its color.


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