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June 4th 2006
Published: June 4th 2006
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Europe oh Europe

So we've been having a GREAT time here in Europe! We are back to Berlin after a stay in some other countries. From our first stay in Berlin we headed to Amsterdam and Brussels.

Amsterdam was exactly what you would think...or at least what we thought it would be. Lots of peeps in to smoke pot and see some boobs. There are other things to do there but we got that vibe when we entered the door to our hostel and checked in. While we were waiting we noticed a crackhead in the corner getting high. He was alreadz prettz blitzed and lighting it back up. His face was covered in scabs like someone had it with taking his crap and beat the crap out of him about 3 days earlier. He was some college kid just coming to Amsterdam to have fun and had a bit too much fun. Don't worry, he wasn't really a crackhead. Just looked like one. So, as you can imagine we had a funny feeling about Bob's hostel. It was cheap and Amsterdam is a pretty expensive place considering the places we've been. So we were fine with the 16 bed dorm room until we got home that night. We decided to stay out as long as possible so we could just come home and sleep. We got home around 1am to find a passed out dude in Chance's bed. There was some kind of ex-marine in the room (you could tell by his manner and tatoo) telling us he would tell the guy to move if he were us. We woke up the dude and asked if he paid for a bed or not (we were just going to us his bed if so). He didn' respond well and we kept trying to wake him up. During all this the Marine turns the lights on and says that we are all going to get up and figure this out. What? Turn the damn light off. We find out through some hub bub that about half the room is sleeping in the wrong bed. Geez. At this point we just want to find an open bed and we got the light turned off. We basically fell asleep with all our clothes on, didn't brush or anything and got up as soon as possible and got out of there. Pretty funny stuff. We ended up finding a much better hostel for the next night so we just chalk that up to a funny story.

So, we toured the city, checked out the Van Gogh Museum with a Rembrandt collection, which was cool since Amsterdam and the Netherlands is celebrating Rembrandt's 400th birthday. We checked out the Red Light District. Lots of girls in windows with lingerie on looking "sexy." We also got to check out Anne Frank's house. That was pretty amazing especially since we had already been to Auschuwitz.

Then we headed to Brussels and I fell in love. It's a beautiful city and it's home to the best beer in the world. We tried to drink as many different Belgium beers as possible and weren't able to get all of them. We went to a place called Delirium, which is also a name of a beer. They had over 2000 beers. Geez! We made friends with everyone at the bar of course and had the time of our lives...until we woke up the next morning. We decided to take the last train back to Berlin that day but we still needed to each Belgium chocolate and a waffle. We went to lunch and afterwards we saw a street vendor that was cooking up some waffles...check and then as we headed back to get our backpacks we saw a chocolatier...check. I've never had a waffle taste that good...or chocolate for that matter. Damn those Belgiums know what they're doing.

So now we're back to Berlin and we just had a big boy fest for the last week. We'll tell you about that one on the next blog.

Love you guys.


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