Crazy in Turkey...I mean, Berlin.

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June 21st 2008
Published: June 21st 2008
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Hellooooo American friends and loved ones, Sara speaking.
So for awhile last night we didn't know whether we were in Germany or Turkey. For those who don't know, Turkey beat Croatia last night in the EuroCup quarterfinals and apparently, Berlin has a large Turkish population. Well, the city went totally nuts!!! Leah and I meandered down the streets amongst a throng of jubilant Turks waving flags and shooting off fireworks-- it was a blasttt and a half! It really improved my perception of the city, as I was a bit intimidated by the intial industrialized, graffiti-ed look of it as we came in from Amsterdam. Today was pretty decent weather-wise and we mostly roamed the city, making use of our Berlin CityCard. The Berlin public transportation system is SO efficient, I'm super jealous and think that we definitely need to get on that LightRail pronto. So we cruised around, stopping to talk and people-watch by this gorgeous fountain in Alexanderplatz. After getting an overpriced, German pretzel, we wandered over to Checkpoint Charlie and the museum nearby. It's kind of irritating to see how they've managed to exploit a huge piece of history and try to make a profit out of it: the museum was selling pieces of the wall for about €9 each. You could spend €3 to get a ''visa'' stamped into your passport from the checkpoint, but I guess the poor guy who worked there must've been really bored as he stamped my arm as we were walking by. Now I have a ''visa'' on my arm. Hooray. Tomorrow we're going to see Sachsenhausen, the former Berlin concentration camp, which is run by a musem non-profit organization designed to enlighten people about former and current genocides around the world. I'm writing this from a €2 'all you can surf' internet cafe, which our frugal selfs are VERY excited about. Anywho, I'm going to pass this off to Leah who'll write her spiel. Love and hugs, Sara.

Well, Sara just about covered it all. But for the sake of your amusement, I will type the rest as I would on an American keyboard:

aiäm reallz enjozing Berlin so far, although it is a little bit of a culture shock from the picturesque


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