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Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes
June 13th 2006
Published: June 14th 2006
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Royal with Cheese baby!
Ah yes, there is the time in ones travels when one may find themself down, homesick, cranky, sleep deprived etc. To be honest, this is where I found myself today. What better way to fix this feeling than a long walk with a friend, speaking with some friendly voices at home, and eating comfort food. Don't get me wrong, french food is wonderful- but today I exercised my right to dream, to venture, to answer the calling of Mcdonalds!

For those of you who may have seen Pulp Fiction- John Travolta had it right. The Quarter Pounder is definately a Royal with Cheese. Ooh yes- I have pictures to prove it. And the fries- yo me gusta!!!- as my spanish friends say. Yes, on the other side of the ocean, McD's fries are graciously greasy, and fatteningly fab. Everything an American could want.

In the description of mass consumerism- I will also take a moment to describe a French wonder- Carrefour- like Walmart, but more. YES MORE! Bigger, quieter, better music, shift managers strolling the store on rollerblades and skateboards (I guess it helps them get around better), and independant vendors all under the same roof. It's like a

Hillary approves!
classier mixed breed of a mall and the Wally-world that we all know and love (or love to hate). Also a few more notes- prices are higher over here, but it's because tax is included. The local tax is around 19.6%, but the price you see is the price you pay. Kinda tricky, but I'm getting used to it.

Also things I have french wine is still better than US wine...but boxed wine anywhere in the world is beastly. Everytime I look at Bud on a menu, I want to giggle because it is an "import." Champagne should cost more than 0.76 euro. Enough said-

And yes, cousin Lelyn- La pizza avec d'oeufs n'est pas mal!

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Antionette and meAntionette and me
Antionette and me

Antionette and me- We're lovin' it!

14th June 2006

Lovin It
When Chris and I were in Europe last year, he had to have his picture taken at ever one. I even gave in to eating at a McDonalds, delicious, and a fountain coke. We could always find a restroom at McDonald's, also.
23rd June 2006

I have to admit, I ate at MacDo often when I was in France. I ate there whenever I got home sick. Back in my day (I'm getting old!) we used French Franks, not Euros. I still have a 30 Frank coin, which at the time was worth 5 bucks. I remember seeing signs up which read: "NI MOSQUE NI MACDO!" These were put up by the local French skin-heads who hated Arabs and Americains equally. Lille is an industrial center with high unemployment: a situation like that breeds all kinds of resentments including racial hatred. I remember there being riots during my year in Lille when a young Algerian boy was beat to death by police after he was caught trying to steal a car. You seem to be in a gentler neighborhood. Some people will NOT like you because you are American. Some people will pretend to be your friend just to practice their English. Steer well clear of the Algerian males in the subways of France. The vast majority of people I came into contact with were extremely friendly and hospitable. They invited me into their cars, into their homes, and into their liquor cabinets. Good times. I didn't speak a word of English after the third month I was there; I tried for total immersion. The experience was more fulfilling the more I tried to embrace the difference in the culture(s) around me. I'm so jealous of you, my lovely niece!

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